Isolation breaks all life's structure. Remembering symptoms & contacts is hard! COVIDIARY tracks symptoms & person-contacts. Manage your symptoms, contacts & risk - for those you care about most.
Adam Wootton, Katie Cisto
In your physical isolation group, your family, the health of one person - is the health of everyone. While you are in isolation, your normal structure in life is gone. It is always difficult to remember any symptoms, how you feel and who you met on any given day, but without your normal routine in place - it becomes almost impossible. We provide a realtime method to systematically track your symptoms and contacts. COVIDiary lets you manage your symptoms, your risk and your contacts - for those you care about most.
The problems we are solving are:
- People struggle to remember precise symptoms. We provide a methodic process to track your symptoms in a diary - it is critical to know when your symptoms started and precisely what they were when you talk to a medical professional
- It is very difficult to accurately recall every person you interact with. COVIDiary keeps careful track of any contacts in a day to help any contact tracing. Contact tracing is the top tool to fight pandemics.
- Public health officials keep saying they are playing defense, and just reacting to the pandemic. We provide a proactive way for broader population symptoms to be tracked by public health officials - without invading your privacy
- People's mental health is struggling in this trying time. We provide an early warning for mental health tracking
The reasons people will use it is:
- Helps protect their family
- Gives a structure and process which makes them feel empowered
- It is easy and achievable
- There is a civic duty which this helps meet
- Provides information and reduces stress regarding the onset and development of symptoms
How to deploy it:
- A Progressive Web App for end users on phones, tablets or PCs
- A native iOS App for end users
- An interface for public health officials to be able to view aggregate data in realtime
- Potentially - A data API for public health officials
Technology Stack:
- LAMP stack with Python/Django as the application framework
- REST APIs for the interaction with the App
- Custom iOS application for performance
Timeline to MVP (2 weeks):
- Develop the Server environments in prototype with DigitalOcean hosting (1 sprint)
- Build the iOS Apps and push to Apple for review (1 sprint)
- Use hackathon success to push adoption (ongoing)
Further Refinement (2 weeks):
- Virtually meet with public health officials to discuss how they can best use the aggregate data
- Provide them with an interface
Current State
All the layouts and screens are designed and prototypes are flowing well. We are going to start coding next week!