Project Liber8 Chatbot

Language barriers limit info access to migrant workers in Malaysia on COVID19 & effect of government-imposed lockdown. Project Liber8 Chatbot fills this gap by providing accessible info in 5 languages
Siew Sanz Ng, Su Shern New
Numerous websites, infographics, and channels have been created to provide information on COVID-19. Unfortunately, in Malaysia, all this information might not be accessible to one of the most vulnerable segments - Migrant Workers; simply because of language differences. More importantly, there is not enough information on how COVID-19 and the government-imposed Movement Control Order (MCO) affects migrant workers specifically.
What it does
Project Liber8’s chatbot aims to fill this gap by providing the most relevant information for migrant workers in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Nepali, and Burmese.
How I built it
Built on DialogFlow, we can easily update content to ensure that only the most up-to-date information is provided and to combat misinformation.
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
The chatbot has gathered positive traction over the past week and has been featured in national news outlets:
What's next for
Currently, we are doing our best to get chatbot out to migrant communities who need accessible information.